二手 SPEEDLINE / MPM Momentum #9241666 待售

ID: 9241666
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Spare parts:
Qty / Part number / Description
(2) / 141537 / Gas springs 540N
(1) / QM40337 / Ficture kit for CM6B / CM3 / CM11 / CUV3 / QSMS101
(1) / P1284 / I/O Modules SM-ODC5
(1) / P3228 / Toothed pulley
(3) / P3321 / Screws, knurled thumbs, 10-32 x 1-1/4, SS303
(4) / P2700 / Sensors, photo electrics
(1) / P1283 / IO Module SM-IDC5
(6) / P0914 / Contacts, sockets, 20-14 AWG
(1) / P2540 / Toothed pulley
(1) / P2539 / Gear, SPUR, 40T, 32P, 0.250
(3) / A2-878 / Bases, sensor mounts
(4) / P0184 / Switches, photos
(3) / P0212 / Seals, pistons, 0.75 ID x 1.0
(1) / 1-9200003 / 16 Pin cable
(4) / P4008 / Reed switch hamlins 59025-010
(4) / 53675 / APOPT16
(2) / P1011744 / Boards PCA-20
(1) / P2183 / Standoffs, 5/16 RD x 1-11/16, F/F, 4-40, AL
(5) / 2-35-00008 / Pico fuses
(3) / 2-35-00006 / 15A Fuses
(5) / P1406 / Lamps, subminiature, EWG1
(5) / 13951 / Pepper fuchs proximity sensors 4-12 GM40-E-V1
(3) / P3658 / Air distributor blocks, dynamic 2862-1
(1) / P2261 / Filter tube DQ
(1) / 306745 / Air valve joucomatic 430 04158 24VDC
(8) / P0914 / Pins for connectors
(4) / P2266 / Connectors, housing, 4-positions, sockets, mini-FIT
(1) / - / Lamp F8T5CW 8W 30CM
(1) / 59135-020 / Reed switch hamlin 10 W, 300 VDC, 0.5 A
(1) / - / Capacitor CBB61 12mF 250 VAC +70°C
(1) / 41023001 / Vision cable, 30V
(4) / - / Polycords belt, 985.0 mm
(2) / 119759 / PCB 6410-006-N-N-N
(6) / - / Motor couplings
(10) / P0869 / Fuses 8A, 250V
(10) / P0726 / Fuses 10A, 250V
(10) / F2647-ND / Fuses 10A, 250V
(1) / 1003311-1 / Step motor powermax 1.8 unipolar 3.93V 1.84 A
(1) / - / Cable CA-196 P 46 MK 3404
(1) / - / Cable, 3P, 10A, 250V
(1) / 10087766 / Warning label
(2) / 1008740 / Bracket, gas spring
(1) / P1849 / Motor coupling
(2) / HE10011N0625 / Screw allen, gas spring
(2) / HE2010N / Nut, gas spring
(2) / HE2503N / Washer, gas spring
(4) / P7605 / Springs, gas shocks, 123 LBS
(1) / P1283 / Relay SM-IDC5 50MA 30VDC Crouzet
(1) / P2830 / Fitting, adaptor, 1/4 NPT M 1/4
(1) / 100311-1 / Step motor dispenser P2HNSHS-LNN-NS-02
(1) / 570190 / PCB 570190 KH4-M6474
(1) / P9722 / Switch, V32431 A2 767
(28) / P0583 / Contacts, pins,18-16 AWG
(1) / P0801 / Bearing, S row ball, 0.250 x 0.625 x 0.196, 2SHD
(3) / P553401 / Toothed gears
(1) / 990159 / Diffuser, assy
(1) / P001388 / Bearing with support / Pillow block
(2) / 000112/A / Nuts, Z drives, main
(1) / P1606 / Coupling
(3) / 206070-1 / Connector kits
(2) / P7190 / Switches V7-4S27D8 0.1A 125 VAC
(10) / P5288 / Connectors, housings, 2 positions, sockets, preloads, 26-22 AWG
(10) / P5289 / Connectors, housings, 3 positions
(10) / P5290 / Connectors, housings, 4 positions, sockets, preloads, 26-22 AWG
(1) / P6976 / Cable, 24 AWG, 25 COND, VDE
(1) / P1543 / Bulb, incandescent, 24 V, 0.035 A
(1) / P2830 / Fitting, adaptor, 1/4 NPT M 1/4
(1) / 12453 / Toothed belt pulley
(1) / P0849 / Coupling, flexible, 0.312 shaft to 0.250 shaft
(1) / - / MPM Calibration tool for vision X, Y
(1) / 000501 / Block, adjustment tension
(1) / 000873 / Block, adjustment tension
(1) / 01-007 / Vacuum switch pressure electric switch
Power supply: 220 V, 50/60 Hz, 20 A.
SPEEDLINE/MPM Momentum系列是一款最先进的数字丝网印刷机,旨在提供一流的自动化、速度和可靠性。对于需要大批量生产的企业来说,这是一个极好的选择。MPM Momentum系列打印机采用简单明了的机械设计和控制电子包,使其易于操作和维护。它利用先进、高速、伺服驱动的索引系统进行屏幕和打印头索引以及一系列的运动和编码器系统,使SPEEDLINE Momentum具有前所未有的准确性和运行速度。动量系列包括精密伺服驱动器的最新进展,以及一系列传感和控制功能,可实现无缝操作和可靠性。每台机器的设计都考虑到速度和精确度,配有强大的视觉系统,能够自动识别和检查印刷图像。它采用了全新集成的喷墨控制系统和先进的丝网印刷印版,具有一流的注册精度。SPEEDLINE/MPM Momentum也可以配置为处理广泛的基材材料,从纸张到塑料和金属,并且可以用各种各样的油墨、涂层和粘合剂打印,用于各种应用。MPM Momentum具有坚固的结构,具有不锈钢框架和精密加工的组件,并具有最大的耐用性和使用寿命。所有活动部件均从中央主轴驱动,并保护其免受灰尘和碎屑的侵袭,以便顺利运行。它利用一系列先进的传感器和电子元件来保持精确的打印和位置准确性,并且自动错误检测和纠正可确保每项工作达到最高水平。SPEEDLINE Momentum的用户界面非常直观,用户友好,具有可自定义的控制功能和多语言兼容性,为用户提供了最大的灵活性。直观的控制允许用户快速更改设置并提高生产率。此外,Momentum系列还提供了与其他映像软件的集成,以实现卓越的打印质量。SPEEDLINE/MPM Momentum屏幕打印机是有大量生产需求的企业的绝佳选择。其先进的设计和控制电子产品包提供了保持客户要求的一致的质量结果所需的速度、准确性和可靠性。此外,它的易用性和直观的用户界面使MPM Momentum成为任何需要可靠高效的丝网印刷机的企业的理想选择。