二手 TEAM TECHNIK TT1200 #9176069 待售

ID: 9176069
优质的: 2011
Single track stringer system
Hold-down device
Geometrical quality
Length tolerance
Cell gap
Soldering technology: IR Light / laser
Cell technology / Types:
Mono / Poly-crystalline
Front and back side contacted
Cell alignment:
Optical alignment via camera
ROBOT For busbar / edge positioning
Cell inspection:
Vision system (camera)
Detection of accuracy for cracks
Broken edges and scratches: 0.5 x 0.5 mm
Grid-completeness check
Accurate cell and ribbon handling
IR Light soldering station
Suitable for lead-free (Pb) ribbons
Number of interconnection ribbons: 2-3 / 3-4
Range of solar cell sizes:
125 sq - 156 sq, 5"
Standard, 6"
Requires changeover parts, 5"
Busbar spacing:
30 - 78 mm
Standard 52 mm
Cell spacing: 2.0 - 35.0 mm
Cell positioning accuracy: ± 0.2 mm
Maximum length of strings: 2,000 mm
Accuracy in length: ± 1mm
1,400 cycles / hr
10 Cell-string with cell fluxing 1,272 Cells / hr
30 / 32 / 36 MWp pa
Technical availability: 95%
Noise level: 72 dB (A)
Electrical power requirement:
IR Light: 30 kVA / 17.5 kW / h
Compressed air: 600 kPa
Consumption (at 1 bar): 450 l / min
Cell thickness:
160 - 250 µm
Standard 180 µm
Flux application:
Fluxed with adjustable
Metered micro spray
Standard (Both sides)
Breakage rate:
Cell thicknesses down 180 μm
< 0.3 %
Ribbon sizes: Width > 1.0 mm
Ribbon positioning accuracy: ± 0.2 mm
Changeover time 2-3bb / 3-4bb: 2 Hours (Approx)
Operator interface (HMI):
Color touch screen with German / English / Chinese or Korean language
High throughput: < 2.5 Seconds cycle time
Low breakage rate: < 0.1 - 0.3%
Availability: > 95%
2011 vintage.
TEAM TECHNIK TT1200是一种先进的太阳能生产设备,为住宅和商业应用提供可靠、高效的串串生产。该机采用集成的自动电池定位设备,可实现精确、高速的生产.机器的运动控制提供了卓越的精度和可重复性。TEAM TECHNIK TT 1200配有用户友好的彩色触摸屏界面,可让操作员管理各种机器设置。它还提供高级故障排除功能,可更快、更轻松地进行维护。该系统具有数据记录能力,具有可调的超时参数,保证了最佳生产。TT1200配有先进的视觉单元,利用图样识别、厚度检查和颜色与对比度检测,有助于提高细胞质量。视觉机允许用户轻松检测错误,增加可靠的生产并减少停机时间。机器上先进的包装单元确保了电池的高效移动和包装。封装工具自动将单元格送入挤压站,确保质量连接。该资产还包括防剪接安全传感器,以防止过度拥挤和拒绝故障单元。TT 1200有一个集成的冷却模式,有助于保持整个生产周期的温度稳定。冷却设备设计用于散热、减少降解和延长电池寿命。总体而言,TEAM TECHNIK TT1200是目前市场上最先进的太阳能生产设备之一。该机具有精确、可重复的运动控制和先进的视觉系统,确保了可靠高效的太阳能生产周期。其集成的冷却单元、封装单元和防剪接安全传感器确保了高质量的产品、改进的电池质量和最小化的停机时间。