二手 ZEUS TS1400-H #9188133 待售

ID: 9188133
晶圆大小: 6"
Tabbing / Stringing system, 6"
Type: Auto
Cell type: 2 & 3 Bus bar
Solar cell size: Mono and multi cell
Solar cell thickness: >160μm / 180μm mono (standard)
Cell: Auto
Magazine: Manual
Ribbon: Auto
Ribbon roll: Manual
String: 1~12 Cell (Auto 8~12 cell)
Ribbon type: Pb & Pb free ribbon
Ribbon width: 1.5 mm, 2 mm
Solar cell spacing: 1.5-30 mm / 2.0 mm (standard)
Solar cell spacing accuracy: ±0.3 mm / 2.0±0.3 mm (standard)
String length: 156-1920 mm, ±1 mm
Vision align accuracy: ±0.1 mm
Ribbon position accuracy: ±0.3 mm / based on bus line center
Throughput: <1,400 cells / hr [cell to cell: 2.5 sec]
Breakage: <0.3% / base on the H/W issue [180um]
Technical availability: >95%
Noise level: Maximum 72 dB(A)
Electricity: 3Ф 380 V, 60 Hz, 66 kW
Compressed air: 0.6 MPa, 3000 L/Min / (8) Ф12 tubes
Gen exhaust: <360 m3/h / Ф200
Heat exhaust: <360m3/h / Ф125
(2) Loading conveyor units, free flow top chain conveyor
(10) Magazines, cell stock: 200EA/Magazine
Cell Wafer transfer robot, 2 axis cross robot (cell W/F transfer)
Align transfer robot, 4 axis linear
Vision inspection unit, 5 MP CCD camera, back light (LED)
NG port, NG bucket
Flux station unit, flux nozzle (dispensing type)
Distribute robot, 2 axis linear (cell W/F transport and distribution)
(2) Ribbon spool units, spool diameter: Ф160≥
(2) Ribbon feeding units (clamping / stretching / bending / cutting)
(2) Ribbon transfer robots, vacuum type
(2) String C/V unit, steel belt type, heater & vacuum conveyor
(2) Soldering units, hot air soldering
(2) String flippers, string reverse
String buffer, tray supply unit [steps: 5] + OK tray unit [steps: 5]
Signal tower & melody, warning and alarm
(5) EMO S/W, emergency switch
Operation panel, top swivel type orthotic
Control panel
PLC / Electronic parts.
ZEUS TS1400-H是一款高效、最先进的太阳能生产设备,旨在以最高效率生产出质量最高的光伏电池板。TS1400-H采用了一系列先进的生产技术,在生产过程中提供前所未有的性能和可靠性。ZEUS TS1400-H采用了薄膜沉积技术,确保了阳光下的最佳能量转换。薄膜厚度高达0.060mm,沉积设备能够实现极精确的转换效率,同时在光伏面板使用寿命的长期内保持优越的稳定性。TS1400-H还具有自动单元定位系统,可提高生产吞吐量和可靠性。精确度高达2 µm,该单元显着减少了电池错位,可提高效率,确保生产质量最高。ZEUS TS1400-H还利用高度精确的激光划线机,执行切割光伏电池连接和剥离的关键任务。这样,与传统的划线工艺相比,可以在一小部分时间内创建面板,同时确保精确可靠的连接。TS1400-H还具有最新的检查和测试自动化功能,具有缺陷检测功能,能够对光伏输出的质量进行可靠的评估。利用复杂的视觉算法,自动检查员使用一系列功能来评估每个单元的生产质量。最后,宙斯TS1400-H带有先进的工具控制和分析软件,以及各种安全功能,包括紧急停止和安全围栏。这样就可以轻松集成到现有的生产系统中。总体而言,由于其先进的生产技术和先进的自动化检查和测试系统,TS1400-H提供了最高水平的质量和性能。它旨在提供可靠的高质量光伏电池生产,而不牺牲质量或效率。这一尖端技术使得宙斯TS1400-H任何光伏生产应用的理想选择。