二手 ADE / ESTEK Lot of spare parts #293610391 待售

ID: 293610391
Qty / Part number / Description
(2) / 01-LPX 198/116 / Lens, focus
(2) / 05-LPM-903070 / Hene power supplies
(4) / 07D20DM.5 / Mirrors 19 mm
(20) / 8500114 / Molex pins
(18) / 10112098-2 / Lift/rotate motors
(3) / 1011280192 / Lift/rotate motors
(5) / 1624E024S / Motors for 398-19049-1
(10) / 22012027 / 2-Pin molex connectors
(11) / 298-50193-1 / Mounting brackets
(1) / 298-50571-1 / Guide block
(5) / 298-51131-1 / Motor mtg brackets
(28) / 299-1 0036-1 / White cable spools
(16) / 3262B387 / Shuttle motors with out bracket
(3) / 3630A / HP Paintjet printers
(7) / 398-17829-2i / Drive belt kits, 6"
(10) / 398-17829-5 / Drive belt kits, 5"
(5) / 398-17830-6 / Conveyor belt kits, 5"
(4) / 398-17830-7i / Conveyor belt kits, 6"
(4) / 398-18376-1 / 398-18395-1 / Pulley bearing blocks
(8) / 398-18894-1 / Lift screw assemblies
(11) / 398-18916-1 / Cable mounting plates
(6) / 398-18921 -1 / Mounting clamps
(4) / 398-18930-1 / Speed reducers (24:1)
(1) / 398-18931-1 / Speed reducer (100:1)
(7) / 398-18997-1 / E/R Motor timing pullies
(10) / 399-09012-1 / Extend/Retract motors
(1) / 491-06026-2 / Cable, shuttle motor
(1) / 51606 / HP Cartridge refill
(696) / 51606A / HP Black cartridges
(8) / 51606B / HP Print cartridges
(474) / 51606C / HP Color cartridges
(1) / 51606Y / HP Yellow print cartridge
(18) / 6A 16-036DF370 / Timing pullies
(52) / 6B16-075012 / Extend / Retract timing belts
(61) / 6B16-075025 / Shuttle drive belts (Short)
(11) / 6B16-115025 / Z-Axis timing belts
(11) / 6B 16-150025 / Timing belts
(1) / 6B 16-170025 / Timing belt
(28) / 6816-255037 / Shuttle drive belts
(13) / 6T16036DF2506 / Pullies
(14) / A61014 / Ball bushings
(2) / 6G16-310037 / Power supply cables
(1) / 03-06-2023 / 2- Pin connector plug
(9) / 063092 / 10 mm Lens
(26) / 063660 / Adapter plates
(8) / 08-01-0102 / Terminals
(2) / 08-560110 / Brass terminals, conncetors
(2) / 08-70-1030 / Terminals
(400) / 09-01-1091 / Connectors 9 Position
(60) / 10-89-1241 / Headers 24 Pin
(179) / 10B1 / EMI filters
(171) / 2114-20SL / Laser power supplies
(48) / 297-14017-1 / Dark channel lasers
(1) / 297-14266-2 / Pad, shuttle
(1) / 298-50206-1 / Guide, shaft
(4) / 298-50655-3 / Rear pans
(3) / 298-51585-1 / Rod underline connectors
(3) / 299-10001-1 / Flat mirrors
(2) / 299-10024-1 / Flexures
(1) / 299-10024-2 / Flexure
(1) / 299-10024-3 / Flexure
(1) / 3-136-532 / Casters
(1) / 3225H-C-64 / Laser
(18) / 398-17829-1 / Rotate mirrors
(2) / 398-17830-5S / Converter belts
(5) / 398-17875-1 / AIM Display interface boards
(4) / 398-17940-1 / Pully Idlers
(2) / 398-17955-1 / Mirror motor controllers
(2) / 398-17963-4s / Graphics boards
(25) / 398-18029-1 S / Aeronca rev end pully assemblies
(5) / 398-18041-1S / Dark channel fiber optic assemblies
(1) / 398-18042-1S / Light channel assembly
(1) / 398-18054-4 / Laser and optics assembly
(1) / 398-18124-1s / Laser power
(1) / 398-18136-1s / Tran mtr Dr
(1) / 398-18162-1R / Start pulse board
(2) / 398-18247-1 / Light door control boards
(1) / 398-18261-1 / Elev. power board
(1) / 398-18261-2s / Orbitran power board
(1) / 398-18280-1 / RS232 Interface
(2) / 398-18314-1 / IO Boards
(2) / 398-18314-1S / 32X32 IO Boards
(4) / 398-18315-1 / -
(4) / 398-18341-1 / General purpose boards
(2) / 398-18341-1R / General purpose boards
(7) / 398-18364-1 / Signal processor boards
(2) / 398-18365-1 / Signal processor boards
(1) / 398-18365-1S / Signal processor board
(2) / 398-18373-1 / Z-Bot flag boards
(1) / 398-18373-2S / Detector board
(4) / 398-18374-1 / Pittman motor driver boards
(1) / 398-18374-1S / Drive assy mod
(5) / 398-18375-1 / Motor driver Interface boards
(2) / 398-18381-1S / LZR Powers
(2) / 398-18391-1 / Motor encoders
(1) / 398-18391-1S / Motor assembly
(3) / 398-18396-1S / Fiber optic cables
(2) / 398-18398-1 / Flaw boards
(1) / 398-18401 -1 / PMT Power supply
(4) / 398-18401-3 / PMT Power supplies
(1) / 398-18411-1 / PAL JJ15
(1) / 398-18416-1 / PAL JJ18
(2) / 398-18420-1 / Power supplies, +/- 12V ANA
(2) / 398-18425-1s / Start pulse boards
(4) / 398-18429-2s / Flaw boards
(3) / 398-18430-2 / AUX Boards
(1) / 398-18443-1 / Matrox graphic controller
(2) / 398-18443-1S / Matrix boards
(1) / 398-18457-1S / Orbitran assy
(1) / 398-18483-1s / Extension cable
(2) / 398-18489-1S / D.C. Brushless motors
(1) / 398-18491-1 / PAL JJ04
(16) / 398-18492-1 / PAL JJ05
(1) / 398-18493-1 / PAL JJ16
(4) / 398-18494-1 / PAL JJ17
(4) / 398-18496-1 / PAL JJ15
(3) / 398-18498-1 / PAL JJ14
(4) / 398-18519-3 / PMT Assemblies
(2) / 398-18519-4S / PMT Housing assemblies
(1) / 398-18521-1 / AGC board
(2) / 398-18526-1 S / Orienter boards
(2) / 398-18535-2s / Fiber optics
(4) / 398-18535-3s / Fiber optics
(1) / 398-18545-1 R / Dark channel
(4) / 398-18579-1 / Comm boards
(1) / 398-18597-1S / Light channel fiber optic assy
(4) / 398-18597-2 / Light channel trap assemblies
(1) / 398-18650-3 / Std remote comp interface kit
(1) / 398-18674-1 / Z-Bot Bd
(2) / 398-18730-1 / Boards
(3) / 398-18751-1s / Galvo mirrors
(2) / 398-18753-1 / Flag handler boards
(1) / 398-18772-1 / Indexer flag detector
(2) / 398-18772-2 / Indexer flag detectors
(1) / 398-18785-1 / Lead screw nut
(1) / 398-18786-1 / Lead screws
(1) / 398-18799-1 / System interface board
(3) / 398-18838-1 / Power supplies
(3) / 398-18882-1 / Robots
(9) / 398-18884-1 / Sensor board assemblies
(5) / 398-18925-1 / AGC Boards
(3) / 398-18930-1 / Speed reducers
(14) / 398-18931-1S / Speed reducer assemblies
(6) / 398-18933-1S / Secs kits
(2) / 398-18944-1 / PAL J11
(2) / 398-18945-1 / PAL JJ11
(2) / 398-18946-1 / PAL JJ12
(4) / 398-18950-1 / Powe supply interface board assemblies
(2) / 398-18955-1S / ADU Power supplies
(2) / 398-18979-1 / Guides
(3) / 398-189809-1 / Edge detector boards
(2) / 398-18982-1 / Dark channel analog boards with Haze
(2) / 398-18987-1S / Powers
(3) / 398-19043-1 / PAL JJ04
(1) / 398-19049-1 / Extend retract motor
(1) / 398-19049-1S / ZBOT Extend retract motor
(6) / 398-19094-1 / Range elector boards- 8000
(1) / 398-19105-1 / TRW Laser board
(1) / 398-19112-1 / 24 Volt power supply
(3) / 398-19124-1 / PAL 22VOIDC
(1) / 398-19130-1 / Dark channel board with haze
(1) / 398-19146-1 / Edge detector board
(4) / 398-19153-1 / System interface boards
(2) / 398-19169-1 / Motor control boards
(2) / 398-19169-1S / Mirror shutters
(2) / 398-19215-1 / System interface boards
(1) / 398-19220 / Dark channel fiber optic
(2) / 398-19247-1 / Shuttle Interface boards
(2) / 398-19255-1 / Light channel analog boards
(2) / 398-19262-1S / Unstuffed flaw boards
(1) / 398-19263-1 / System Interface board
(7) / 398-19267-1S / Send / Receive detector boards
(3) / 398-19298-1S / Objective mirrors
(1) / 398-19316-1 / Filter wheel
(1) / 398-19318-1 / Variable filter drive
(1) / 398-19355-2 / PMT Assembly
(1) / 398-19364-1 / Z-Bot Motor
(2) / 398-19380-1 / Flaw handler boards
(3) / 398-19382-1 / PALS 22V10DC
(2) / 398-19385-1 / Lasers
(2) / 398-19399-1 / Preamp haze boards
(2) / 398-19402-1S / PMT Assemblies
(1) / 398-19417-1S / A-D Converter
(1) / 398-19419-1 / ADU Board
(2) / 398-19428-1 / Flat mirror assemblies
(1) / 398-19429-1R / Scan upgrade kit
(1) / 398-19448-1 / Isomet controller
(1) / 398-19454-1S / Maxit memory kit
(1) / 398-19456-1 / System interface Bd
(1) / 398-19473-1 / Dark channel analog Bd
(5) / 398-19478-1A / ADU Boards
(5) / 398-19478-1S / ADU Boards
(3) / 398-19483-1S / System Interfaces (8500 II)
(1) / 398-19485-1 / Under line collector
(1) / 398-19493-1 / System Interface board
(2) / 398-19502-1 / Clock sync board
(2) / 398-19503-1 / Motherboard assemblies
(4) / 398-19507-1 / AGC Attenuators
(1) / 398-19509-1S / PMT Attenuator assy
(1) / 398-19518-1 / Int. Haze Bd
(2) / 398-19520-1 / Triangle wave generator boards
(5) / 398-19521 -1 / Scanner drive board assemblies
(2) / 398-19540-1 / Light channel trap assemblies
(1) / 398-19549-1R / Z-Bot board
(1) / 398-19599-1 / Arm pan assy
(1) / 398-19608-1S / R268 Photomult housing assy
(1) / 398-19610-1S / Galvo symmetrical scan kit
(3) / 398-19639-1 / Wratten filters
(1) / 398-19640-1S / Start board
(1) / 398-19648-1 / PAL JJ76
(2) / 398-19654-1 / PAL JJ76
(1) / 398-19658-1S / Dk Channel Fiber Optic Collector
(3) / 398-19667-1 / PAL
(2) / 398-19710-1 / AUX Boards
(1) / 398-19747-1S / WIS 850II Split shuttle assy
(2) / 398-19755-1 / Haze analog boards
(2) / 398-19762-1 / Door Control boards
(1) / 398-19777-1S / 68020 Array processor board 8MB with haze
(1) / 398-19778-1 / PAL JJ19
(6) / 398-19780-1 / PAL JJ14
(1) / 398-19786-1R / lsomet board 9000
(1) / 398-19786-1S / Isomet board WIS 9000
(1) / 398-19803-1 / X-Coordinate mem board
(2) / 398-19804-1 / ADU-1 Board assemblies
(2) / 398-19809-1S / Edge detector boards
(1) / 398-19818-1 / Signal processor board
(2) / 398-19819-1 / AGC Boards
(1) / 398-19827-1B / Start/Pulse board
(3) / 398-19835-1 / Start pulse adaptor boards
(1) / 398-19836-1S / Shuttle assembly 9000
(1) / 398-19863-1S / WIS 900 Split shuttle assy
(1) / 398-19881 -1 / 486 DTI Single board computer
(2) / 398-19894-1 / Formatted hard disks
(2) / 398-19944-2S / PMT Housing assemblies
(3) / 398-20156-1S / WIS 150 MN Wafer support assemblies
(1) / 399-09010-1S / L/R Sensor
(3) / 399-09017-1 / Orbitran boards
(2) / 399-09017-1R / Orbitrans
(2) / 399-09019-1AO / E/R Rotate motors
(1) / 399-09031 -1 / 399-09031-1
(2) / 4600X / Pan fans
(1) / 4800X / Pan fans
(2) / 491-05663-3 / Cable assemblies
(7) / 491-05667-1 / Transport cable assemblies
(2) / 491-05667-2 / Transport cables
(2) / 491 -05686-1 / Arm cables
(1) / 491-05777-1 / 12 V cable
(1) / 491-05797-2 / Carrol Interface board
(1) / 491 -05806-2 / Comm cable
(16) / 491-05810-1 / Motor Dr cables
(1) / 491-05811-1 / Laser power cable
(5) / 491-05814-1 / Laser power supply cables
(2) / 491-05816-3 / PMT Light interface cables
(4) / 491-05825-1 / Scann cables
(2) / 491-05828-1 / Indexer power cabels
(1) / 491-05829-1 / Indexer power cable
(2) / 491-05830-1 / Control cable assemblies
(4) / 491-05844-1 / Indexer interface cables
(4) / 491-05865-1 / RGB Cables
(1) / 491-05878-1 / Analog cable signal
(1) / 491 -05896-1 / Ground cable
(3) / 491-05896-3 / Grounding cable assemblies
(2) / 491-05904-1 / 12 V Cables
(21) / 491-05909-1 / Cassette cables
(1) / 491-05912-1 / Sensor cable
(9) / 491-05919-1 / Power supply AC cable assemblies
(1) / 491-05924-1 / ADU/ADC Cable
(2) / 491-05927-2 / Z-Bot cables
(1) / 491-05929-1 / Array Sig cable
(1) / 491-05932-1 / Interface cable
(4) / 491-05936-2 / Cable assy ser interfaces
(1) / 491-05939-1 / Cassette cable
(1) / 491-05949-1 / AGC Control cable
(23) / 491-05952-1 / PMT Cables
(5) / 491-05952-5 / PMT Interface cable assemblies
(5) / 491 -05962-2 / Grounding cable assemblies
(1) / 491-05964-2 / Ground cable
(2) / 491-05969-1 / lnterloc cables
(1) / 491-05970-1 / AC Relay cable
(2) / 491-05971 -1 / AC Adapter cable assemblies
(1) / 491-05983-2 / Keyboard cable
(6) / 491-05991-1 / Ground cables
(4) / 491-06026-2S / Cable, Shuttle motors
(1) / 491-06056-1 / Ground cable
(1) / 491-06056-2 / Ground cable
(1) / 491-06089-1 / Double edge cable
(1) / 491-06091-1 / RGB Cable
(4) / 491-06096-1 / PC Interface cables
(2) / 491-06105-2 / 30 AMP Power cables
(1) / 491-06106-1 / AC Cable
(2) / 491-06106-2 / AC Relay X Cables
(1) / 491-06107-1 / Jump wire assembly
(1) / 491-06111-1 / Input power cable
(1) / 491-06116-1 / Status cable
(1) / 491-06118-1 / Scanner power cable
(1) / 491-06121-1 / Scanner driver power cable
(1) / 491-06125-1 / Board cable assembly
(3) / 491-06142-1 / Cables
(1) / 491-86026-1 / Encoder interface cable
(2) / 555-118 / Vibrations
(2) / 640579-2 / Pins
(1) / 6B16-075012 / Belt timing
(5) / 6B16-075025 / Timing belts
(10) / 6G16-310037 / Belt timings
(326) / 70391 / Relay cables
(5) / A6120K / Driver board galvanometers upgrade
(3) / DAM-11-WIP / Connectors
(1) / G120DT / Galvanometer
(9) / HD63A03RP / IC Hitachi chips
(1) / K82701 -P1 / Stepper motor
(6) / LUJ-8A-12 / Power supplies
(2) / QPL-80010-1 / Buffer box
(1) / R-268 / Dark channel PMT Tube
(2) / R1355 / PMT Tubes
(3) / WO1003-WA2 / IDE Control boards
(1) / BC 340 Cap / Mirror motor starting cap
(3) / Cable / Printer interface cables
(7) / CAT1012 / CAT1012 Upgrades
(15) / 4008729 / Aerostat guardian cleanrooms, 1
(3) / 5050538 / 2 to 1 Connector kits
(1) / S-4005200C / Pulse flow bar with 4E Emitters, 6"
(11) / S-5050537 / Male adapters, 1 pair
(1) / LP-05-XYZ / X-Y Axis assy
(1) / LUT 12-5122 / JWT100-522 12 V, Power Supply
(1) / R6095 / PMT Tube
(2) / 117siNT / 0.117 PSL Standards (non-Traceable)
(3) / 157NT / 0.157 µm PSL Standards
(3) / 173 siNT / 0. 173 µm PSL Standards, 6"
(8) / 1-350354-9 / 2 Pin brown connectors
(4) / 2213-75SLK / -
(1) / 298-50828-1 / Reset, cassette switch assy.