二手 SIEMENS Lot #9200073 待售
![SIEMENS Lot 图为 已使用的 SIEMENS Lot 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/siemens_lot_867285.jpg)
![SIEMENS Lot 图为 已使用的 SIEMENS Lot 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/siemens_lot_867284.jpg)
![SIEMENS Lot 图为 已使用的 SIEMENS Lot 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/siemens_lot_867282.jpg)
![SIEMENS Lot 图为 已使用的 SIEMENS Lot 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/siemens_lot_867281.jpg)
![SIEMENS Lot 图为 已使用的 SIEMENS Lot 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/siemens_lot_867283.jpg)
ID: 9200073
Lot of parts:
Qty Part number Model Description
(30) 00322603-05 701/901 Pipette type
(1260) 00321854-07 711/911 Pipette type
(48) 00345020-03 713/913 Pipette type
(288) 00345020-04 713/913 Pipette type
(60) 00321861-07 714/914 Pipette type
(60) 00321862-06 715/915 Pipette type
(120) 00321862-07 715/915 Pipette type
(96) 00321863-07 717/917 Pipette type
(48) 00321864-06 718/918 Pipette type
(48) 00321864-07 718/918 Pipette type
(96) 00321867-05 719/919 Pipette type
(18) 00325971-10 720/920 Pipette type
(6) 00325972-10 720/920 Pipette type
(24) 00325970-08 721/921 Pipette type
(24) 00325970-07 721/921 Pipette type
(216) 00324996-07 723/923 Pipette type
(120) 00321866-06 724/924 Pipette type
(6) 00333652-07 725/925 Pipette type
(18) 00346522-05 732/932 Pipette type
(48) 00346523-03 733/933 Pipette type
(6) 00327810-08 734/934 Pipette type
(36) 00346524-03 735/935 Pipette type
(12) 00322591-06 737/937 Pipette type
(18) 00322592-05 738/938 Pipette type
(12) 00322593-05 739/939 Pipette type
(84) 00330535-06 753/953 Pipette type
(18) 00330538-06 756/956 Pipette type
(130) 00319423S02 - Vacuum nozzle
(48) 00351498-03 SP12 Valve plunger complete
(1) 00352957-04 SP6 Up3 Pinole
(7) 00350588-04 SP12 Service
(1) 00350588S01 SP12 Service
(2) 00330027-04 4xx Fuer Typ 7xx Pipette type
(6) 00322602-05 904 Pipette type
(9) 00337584-05 817 Pipette type
(3) 00326123-06 820 Pipette type
(3) 00326124-04 821 Pipette type
(4) 00322543S01 8 mm,417 Pipette
(1) 00322544S01 12.5mm, 418 Pipette
(24) 00322603-06 701/901 Pipette type
(2) 00330994-02 4xx 6.7 x 1.5 Pipette type
(2) 03000802-01 7xx D6.54xD1.0 Pipette soko
(10) 03004860-01 7xx Standard Pipette type
(10) 00330555-03 7/95Vectra Grundkoper type
(1) 00328843S03 7xx Nozzle magazine x nozzle type
(1) 03038908S1 Z-Motor with PCB Z-Motor with enstorplatine
(1) 00319824S03 - Vacuum distributor.