ID: 9263357
Triple quad LC / MS spectrometer G1379B Degasser G1312B 1260 Binary pump SL G1316C 1290 TCC G1330B 1290 Thermostat MS40 + Vacuum pump KD Scientific syringe pump G1367D Hip ALS SL Tray Vacuum pump Flat screen monitor Keyboard Mouse and cables MS/MS Sensitivity and repeatability: Signal to noise ratio: > 20:1 Noise: 5x RMS Mass resolution: Three settings (FWHM) Unit: 0.7 u Wide: 1.2 u Widest: 2.5 u Mass accuracy: 0.1 u Across mass range Mass stability: < 0.1 u in 24h Dynamic range: > 6.5 x 10^6 Mass range: M/Z 15 - 1,650 Scan rate: 5,200 u/sec Minimum MRM dwell time: 5 ms with 10 MRMs Scan modes: MS Scan MS/MS Product ion scan MRM MS/MS Neutral loss / Gain scan Precursor ion scan SIM MRM Transitions: Per time segment: 99 Multiple segments: 1000 Positive / Negative polarity switching: Time segment dependent: Inter segment delay of 1.5 sec Collision cell: High pressure Hexapole with linear acceleration Wide range of ionization sources: Electrospray (ESI) Nanospray with HPLC chip cube MS interface Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) Multimode source (Simultaneous ESI and APCI) Auto tune: Automated optimization of ion optics and mass axis calibration Solvent declustering counter current gas Detector: High energy conversion dynode and removable electron multiplier horn Vacuum system: Triple stage turbo molecular pump with mechanical pump Line voltage and frequency: 200 - 240 VAC @ 50/60 Hz Supply circuit rating: 15 Amps Maximum power consumption: 2700.
AGILENT/HP/HEWLETT-PACKARD/KEYSIGHT 6410B是一种可编程的UV-Vis光谱系统,可提供高性能和灵活性,可用于各种应用中的精确测量。此设备用于各种量化任务。在标准波长和扩展波长范围内,它在所有参数中均提供卓越的性能。HP 6410B具有多种光学配置替代品,提供无与伦比的效率和性能。AGILENT 6410B提供高级功能,允许用户选择最适合其测量需求的光学配置。它配备了先进的单色仪,用于扫描、触发和记录各种UV-Vis波长的光谱。HEWLETT-PACKARD 6410B还具有一个方便的前面板,它可以更轻松地调整设置并显示大的、易于读取的读数。KEYSIGHT 6410B的光学器件设计为消除杂散和环境光。它具有低噪声光源,确保无论环境如何精确测量。6410B具有广泛的动态范围,高吞吐量和优异的光学分辨率。光的强度可以从1纳米(nm)精确调节到2000 nm。此外,它还具有宽波长范围,可测量高达340 nm的紫外线(UV)辐射。AGILENT/HP/HEWLETT-PACKARD/KEYSIGHT 6410B的其他功能包括晶体控制计时器和光束传送附件。HP 6410B可以与包括UV-vis分光光度计、二极管阵列探测器、荧光光谱仪在内的多种仪器集成。其先进的编程使得这种光谱仪适合各种实验室和工业应用。其他特性包括光谱滤波、精密电动转盘和低粘度、高温、层格。总之,AGILENT 6410B是一个通用、可靠、功能强大的UV-Vis光谱系统。它在每一个参数上都具有卓越的性能,并且有各种各样的光学配置选项,使其成为高效的仪器。凭借其先进的编程,适合各种实验室和工业应用。