二手 PERKIN ELMER LAMBDA 800 #144494 待售


ID: 144494
UV/Vis spectrophotometer Specifications: Principle: Double beam Double monochromator Microcomputer electronics Controlled by DELL PC Optical system: All reflecting optical system (SiO2 coated) Holographic grating monochromater: 1440 lines/mm UVNis blazed at 240nm Littrow mounting Sample thickness compensated detector optics Beam splitting system: Chopper (46+ Hz. cycle: dark/sampie/dark reference/chopper segment signal correction) Detector: photomultiplier R6872 for high energy in whole UV/Vis range Source: pre-aligned tungsten-halogen and deuterium Wavelength range: 185 to 900nm (N2 purging required for below 185nm) UV/Vis resolution: < 0.05nm Stray light: At 200 nm (12 g/L KCI USP/DAP method): > 2A At 220 nm (10 g/L Nal ASTM method): < 0.00008 %T At 340 nm (50 mg/L NaNO2ASTM method): < 0.00008 %T At 370 nm (50 mg/L NaNO2 ASTM method): < 0.00008 %T Wavelength accuracy: ± 0.08 nm Wavelength reproducibility: UV/Vis (deuterium lamp lines): < 0.020 nm Standard deviation of 10 measurements: < 0.005 nm UV/Vis Photometric accuracy: Double aperture method 1 A: ± 0.0006 A Double aperture method 0.5 A: ± 0.0003 A NIST 1930D filters 2 A: ± 0.003 A NIST 930D filters 1 A: ± 0.003 A NIST 930D filters 0.5 A: ± 0.002 A K2Cr207-Solution USP/DAP method: ± 0.010 A Photometric linearity: (Addition of filters UV/Vis at 546.1 -nm, Slit 2 nm, 1-sec. Integration Time) At 1.0 A: ± 0.001 A At 2.0 A: ± 0.002 A At 3.0 A: ± 0.006 A Photometric reproducibility: 1 A wich NIST 930D Filter at 546.1-nm: Standard Deviation for 10 measurements: < 0.00016 A 0.5 A wich NIST 930D Filter at 546.1-nm: Standard Deviation for 10 measurements: < 0.00008 A 0.3 A wich NIST 930D Filter at 546.1-nm: Standard Deviation for 10 measurements: (2-nm Slit, 1 -sec. Integration): < 0.00008 A Photometric range: 7 A (wich SRATT) Photometric display: unlimited Photometric stability (after warmup at 500nm, 0Am 2nm skit, 2s after integration time, peak to peak): < 0.0002 A/h Bandpass: 0.05 nm-5.00 nm in 0.01 nm increments UV/Vis range Fix resolution, constant energy or slit programming Baseline flatness: ± 0.001 A (Lambda 800: 190 nm-860 nm, 2 nm Slit, 0.20 sec. Integration Time, no smoothing applied) Photometric noise RMS: 0 A and 190 nm: < 0.00010 A 0 A and 500 nm: < 0.00005 A 2 A and 500 nm: < 0.00020 A 4 A and 500 nm: < 0.00100 A 6 A and 500 nm: < 0.00500 A (2 nm Slit, 1 sec Integration Time, Gain 1 NIR) Sample compartment instrument (W x D x H): 200 x 300 x 200mm Purging: Optics: yes Sample compartment: yes Light beam: 90 mm above the base plate 120 mm beam separation 3 mm to 12 mm beam height High sensitivity: PMT: gridless PMT design Standard sample and reference beam attenuators: included Software: UV WinLab 3.00.02 Rev A Curvette holder: 10 x 10mm curvettes Dust protection Standard RS 232 interface Power requirements: 230V, 50Hz, 250W.
PERKIN ELMER LAMBDA 800分光光度计是一种用途广泛的仪器,旨在对光学元件和特性进行高效、可靠和快速的测量。该仪器拥有精密的单束单色光学器件,以及波长范围为190-1100 nm的大型8英寸滑动探测器。这种精度和广泛的测量范围使得LAMBDA 800非常适合在诸如透射率和吸收率、比色法和扩散反射率等应用中进行详细研究。在性能方面,PERKIN ELMER LAMBDA 800在8 nm带宽下的精度± 0.5 nm,分辨率为0.1 nm。该探测器在340 nm时提供1ms的快速响应时间和0.2%的光谱杂散光。这确保了可靠和准确的测量。自动聚焦功能允许光谱学家快速设置和测量而不会失去准确性。LAMBDA 800还可以设置一系列滤波器,以进一步提升其性能。在用户体验方面,PERKIN ELMER LAMBDA 800分光光度计是为符合人体工程学的舒适性而设计的。操作站直观,具有直观的触摸屏界面,以及精选的测量和校准功能。该仪器还具有广泛的控制和通信接口,包括局域网和以太网端口。LAMBDA 800分光光度计是不同行业众多应用中光谱测量的绝佳选择。其可靠准确的性能,加上用户友好的设计和直观的操作,使其成为研究人员和专业人员的首选。