二手 PERKIN ELMER Lambda 950 #9119552 待售


ID: 9119552
Spectrometer P/N: L6020036 Lambda 950 STD Detector Assy Polarizer Assy-L900 Software: (UV Winlab 5.2.0 / Accessory software UV Winlab V1.1.3 / Software utilities Ver 7.00) Bandwidth: 0.05 nm - 5.00 nm in 0.01 nm increments UV/Vis range 0.20 nm - 20.00 nm in 0.04 nm increments NIR range Fixed resolution, constant energy or slit programming Light Source: Pre-aligned tungsten-halogen and deuterium Optics: Split Beam Photodetector: photomultiplier Photometric Range UV/Vis: 8 A NIR: 6 A Wavelength Range: 175 to 900 nm N2 purge required below 185 nm Power Requirements: 90 VAC - 250 VAC, 50/60 Hz; 250 VA Beam Splitting System: Chopper (46+ Hz, Cycle: Dark/Sample/ Dark/Reference, Chopper Segment Signal Correction) UV/Vis resolution: 2 A At 220 nm, 10 g/l NaI ASTM method: At 340 nm, 50 mg/l NaNO2 ASTM method: At 370 nm, 50 mg/l NaNO2 ASTM method: At 1420 nm, H20 1 cm path length: At 2365 nm, CHCl3 1 cm path length: Wavelength accuracy: UV/Vis: ± 0.080 nm NIR: ± 0.300 nm Wavelength reproducibility: UV/Vis (Deuterium lamp lines) NIR (Deuterium lamp lines) Standard deviation of 10 measurements UV/Vis Standard deviation of 10 measurements NIR Photometric accuracy: Double Aperture Method 1 A: ± 0.0006 A Double Aperture Method 0.5 A; ± 0.0003 A NIST 1930D Filters 2 A: ± 0.0030 A NIST 930D Filters 1 A: ± 0.0030 A NIST 930D Filters 0.5 A: ± 0.0020 A K2Cr2O7-Solution USP/DAP method: ± 0.0080 A Photometric linearity: Addition of filters UV/Vis at 546.1 nm, 2 nm slit, 1 second integration time At 1.0 A: ± 0.0060 A At 2.0 A: ± 0.0160 A At 3.0 A: ± 0.0050 A Photometric reproducibility Standard deviation for 10 measurements, 2 nm slit, 1 second integration time 1 A with NIST 930D Filter at 546.1 nm: = 0.00016 A 0.5 A with NIST 930D Filter at 546.1 nm: = 0.00008 A 0.3 A with NIST 930D Filter at 546.1 nm: = 0.00008 A Photometric display: Unlimited Photometric stability: After warm-up at 500 nm, 0 A, 2 nm slit, 2 second integration time, peak to peak: = 0.0002 A/h Baseline flatness: 190 nm - 3100 nm, 2 nm slit 0.20 second integration time UV/Vis, no smoothing applied 0.24 second integration time NIR, no smoothing applied: ± 0.0008 A Purging: Optics: Yes Sample compartment: Yes Light beam: 90 mm above the base plate 120 mm beam separation 3 mm - 12 mm beam height.
PERKIN ELMER Lambda 950是一款高精度分光光度计,在研究、质量分析和生产控制方面提供精确的紫外可见(UV-Vis)测量。它为最广泛的应用提供了卓越的性能,并提供了满足最苛刻的光谱分析要求的能力和灵活性。Lambda 950由具有大直径光学元件的衍射光栅光学元件组成,可提供最佳的灵敏度和光谱分辨率水平。这使它能够提供定性和定量应用所需的精确信息。它能够测量190到950纳米(nm),最多16个波长点用于全光谱扫描,或2个波长点用于更快的测量。它具有直观、易于使用的接口,可直接连接到PC或笔记本电脑,从而易于使用和配置。软件控制选项允许快速、准确的校准和数据采集。样品对齐是自动化的,保证了高精度和准确性。自动缝隙尺寸选择设施可实现最大分辨率,进一步提高测量精度。PERKIN ELMER Lambda 950还具有多项附加功能,例如用于远程访问的内置光纤、用于精确基于时间的测量的曝光计时器以及用于稳定读数的温度控制存储模块。它先进的光学、高灵敏度和高分辨率确保这种分光光度计在实验室中提供最佳性能。