二手 ENERJET KJL-HV-268-A #9122382 待售

ID: 9122382
Sputtering system
Targets: Torus-10
Chamber: ~28" round vacuum, 14" H
(4) Ports in floor of chamber (3 filled with Torus-10 sputtering sources)
Front viewport
Rear connections for rough lines and gauges
Side mounting for cryo pump
Chamber lid with lifter has a 8 x 4" wafer plate mounted to it on a rotary feedthru
Motor connected to motor controller that spins at 0-24 RPM
CTI-8 Cryo pump
Compressor not included (cables & hoses included)
Tool pumps to 8x10-6 in 2 hours, upper 10-7 overnight
Cryo has a gate valve and a conductance control valve (multivane, micrometer at stop to throttle back pumping)
(3) Sputter sources
(1) Connected to DC power supply: (1) Eratron
(1) RF: not connected
Targets available: Al, Al/Si (0.5, 1, 2%) C, Cr, Cu, Mo, Si, SiO2, Si3N4, Ta, Ti, TiN, W, W-Ti, WC and Y in various states of use
Tool has systems to run:
Pump controller to control power to pumps and crossover to high vac
Gauge interface and baratron, convection and ion gauges
Flow controller for MFCs (100 SCCM Ar, O2, N2) that can be slaved to pressure or ratio'd
Cryo controller and cryo temperature gauge
Heater controller but heating element has been moved
Rotation controller
Water flow system, valves and flow switches
Interlocked cabinet
Fixturing for 4", 3" wafers
(2) Chamber shields that can be cleaned (floor of chamber is only part that is not cleaned)
Currently in cleanroom.
ENERJET KJL-HV-268-A溅射装置是一种高性能溅射装置,设计用于原子和分子薄膜在表面上的沉积。该系统由三源多阴极溅射枪组成,结合高真空室和集成调压单元,用于控制机器的工作环境。该枪有一个内置的腔室,用可调节的基板支架沉积溅射膜,允许广泛的应用。该工具具有创新和先进的高真空室,设计高效,安全,易于使用。它利用磁悬浮资产,动态平衡室内压力,确保均匀膜沉积。内置腔室压力调节器可以让用户精确可靠地控制工作环境。溅射阴极向要溅射的表面输送均匀的低能离子,防止产生污染,并消除燃烧和最初清洁基板的需要。KJL-HV-268-A溅射模型非常适合各种金属、合金、氧化物和其他材料的沉积。由于其可变的几何形状和脉冲频率,设备可以用来层状或蚀刻材料到几埃的厚度。基板支架可调,可容纳直径不超过12 "x 12"的基板。它还能够以不同角度溅射层,允许生产多层薄膜。该系统具有方便的数字控制接口,并带有外部控制输入.这使得自动化设备并将其集成到现有系统中变得容易。高真空室水冷,节省操作成本,并具有安全交错,在真空室运行时锁上车门。它还具有诊断警报和控制,以便用户在运行机器时注意安全协议。ENERJET KJL-HV-268-A溅射工具提供了极致的生产力、速度和精度。它具有先进的特点和可靠的性能,是高质量溅射薄膜沉积的绝佳选择。