二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Mirra Mesa #293627305 待售

ID: 293627305
晶圆大小: 12"
优质的: 2001
CMP System, 12"
Copper processing system
(4) Two line peristaltic pumps
(2) Slurry arm left arms
No polishing heads
Wet robot:
Wafer handler
Eject vacuum
Missing parts:
Controller boards
(4) UPA Zone
UPA Rotary union
Upper and lower platens
Mega brush
Mega generator and chemical vessels
Pressurised vessels
(4) Vessels
Qty / Part number / Description
(1) / - / Megasonic RF Generator
(4) / - / Cleaner mega, brush1 and 2 chemical vessels
(4) / 0010-03697ER / Head sweep motors
(1) / 0010-37905 / i-Scan Endpoint
(2) / 0010-77428 / Assy, teflon coated upper platens
(2) / 0020-77924 / Bearing retainers
(4) / 0020-79068 / AMAT Brackets
(4) / 0021-77866 / Clamp drive spindles
(4) / 0021-77867 / Plate adapter motor spindle flex clamp kits
(1) / 0021-78095 / Manifold-II series valve, UPA Assy
(1) / 0021-78097 / Manifold-I valve, UPA Manifold assy
(1) / 0040-77085 / Lower platen
(4) / 0040-77461 / Spindle assys
(4) / 0090-06473 / Assy, wafer loss sensors
(4) / 0090-07553 / Assy, wafer loss sensors
(4) / 0090-77262 / UC Pressure tranducerassys
(4) / 0090-77263 / IC Pressure transducers -14.7 to 10
(4) / 0090-77297 / PP Pressure transducers -14.7 to 10
(4) / 0090-77298 / RR Pressure transducers -14.7 to 15
(4) / 0100-77043 / Dual slip out sensor boards
(4) / 0140-77491 / Cables, ER-44
(4) / 0140-77492 / Cables, ER-46
(4) / 0140-78202 / Cables, head pneumatic ER-45, UC
(4) / 0140-78203 / Cables, head pneumatic JD-SV43, SV45
(4) / 0140-78204 / Cables, head pneumaticjd SV43, SV43, SV45
(4) / 0140-78205 / Cables, head IC/IT JB-SV-46,47, SV43, SV45
(4) / 0140-78258 / Cables, head pneumatic EC/PP JA-SV-42, SV44
(4) / 0140-78261 / Cables, head pneumatic ER-42, EC/PP
(1) / 0140-03497 / Cables, platen 2 encoder
(4) / 0190-77116 / Flexible disks
(2) / 0240-77490 / Platen motors
(4) / 0760-01037 / CPLG Union rotary 4-port
(3) / 3870-02365 / Valve modules 8-PNEU
(1) / 3870-02366 / Valve module 8-PNEU
(1) / 0010-77157 / Load cup
(4) / 0190-14344R / Head rotation motors
(4) / 0190-14344 / NSK Driver, mega torque, with motor
(2) / 0190-14502 / MEI Motion control boards
(6) / 0190-14372 / DRVR Servopacks AC SGD, Power supply: 200 V, 100 W
(1) / 0190-19549 / Card P-M 1.6GHZ 512MB RAM VME Bus single
(1) / 0190-42525 / Network port server, EL160 (16) Channels, with PWRSP Power supply: 100-250 V AC, 50/60 Hz
(1) / 0100-01793 / PCB Assy, i/o interface board with COM
(3) / 0140-04819 / Cable bulkhead platenisrms
(1) / 0140-75170 / AMAT Head ROT 3 and 4 MP3-DVR 4 and 5
(1) / 0650-01088 / Transmitter
(2) / 0870-01013 / VEXTA Head Sweep drivers, 5-Phase
(4) / 1080-01166 / VEXTA Robot Z-W-S stepping motors, 2-Phase
2001 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS/AKT Mirra Mesa设备是一种晶圆研磨、研磨和抛光系统,旨在提供高质量的晶圆表面,提高精度、重复性和吞吐量。该装置旨在提高表面粗糙度和平坦度,同时也最大限度地减少缺陷。MA/AT提供手动和全自动配置,可根据用户的需要提供灵活性和可扩展性。AKT Mirra Mesa Machine使用了一系列压力和研磨工具以及化学和物理过程来实现所需的晶圆精加工。该刀具采用4轴运动,允许同时研磨和研磨整个晶片表面,从而提高速度和效率并最大限度地降低成本。MA/AT还使用压缩空气来保持磨料的状态,并消除不需要的颗粒。AMAT Mirra Mesa Asset采用粒子计量技术改进过程,确保最佳结果和一致性。这些技术可以测量颗粒的参数,包括磨料的尺寸、形状、硬度和接触角。通过测量这些度量,MA/AT可以相应地调整工艺,确保最佳的光洁度和晶片质量。APPLIED MATERIALS Mirra Mesa模型基于一个模块化平台,可以定制以满足用户的需求。设备还可以配置各种晶圆尺寸和厚度。该系统易于安装,易于维护,允许在运行过程中增加正常运行时间和减少停机时间。Mirra Mesa Unit也提供无尘的工作环境,不需要昂贵的洁净间。总体而言,AMAT/APPLICED MATERIALS/AKT Mirra Mesa Machine是一种高度可靠的晶圆研磨、研磨和抛光工具,可提高速度、自动化和精度,从而生产出最优质的晶圆。它具有先进的粒子计量技术、模块化平台和易于维护的特点,是各种晶圆加工应用的理想解决方桉。