二手 EBARA Frex 200 #9016976 待售
ID: 9016976
优质的: 2000
Tungsten CMP system
Table motor current:
(2) Ceramic tables (heating and cooling capability)
(2) Buff stations
(2) Spare multi-holed top ring head assemblies, Ebara part no. AEPO22-BLR-0010
Main frame construction:
Split frame: cleaning unit and polishing unit
Stainless steel frame, base panels painted light gray, blue, and white
Latched panels and hinged door
Air: flow in transfer / cleaning unit, air-flow in polishing unit
Piping: DI water: PFA / Slurry: PFA and PTFE / Drain: PVC
Loading / Unloading unit: Flouroware, part no. A198-80MB-47C02
Transfer unit: (3) robots
Wafer stations: (2) dry, (2) wet
Polishing unit:
(2) Top-ring units
(2) Turn table units
(2) Dressing units
(1) Rotary transporter units
(1) Slurry feed pump
Rotary transporter unit:
(2) Turnover units
(2) Lifter units
(1) Rotary stage unit
(2) Pusher units
Cleaning units:
(4) Units in total, with in-line processing, process cup structure, and wafer transfer with robot between units
First stage cleaning includes:
Roll sponge scrub cleaning, and chemical spout rinsing for front side and back sides
Peripheral chucking by rollers, and manual damper Ventilation control with exhaust pressure indicator
Second stage cleaning for cleaning both sides of wafer and spin dry, includes:
Pencil sponge scrub cleaning, Megasonic jet cleaning, and chemical spout rinsing
Peripheral chucking by rollers, and manual damper ventilation control with exhaust pressure indicator
Power supply including breaker for each module
Main controller hardware including VME bus, Board computer, Main CPU: 68-series 32-bit O/S software using OS-9/C language description
Separate structure on each module
I/O connection with module, featuring serial communication
Operation unit with touch panel display
Safety measures to include:
Leakage sensors provided on the polishing head (top - ring head)
Drain pans which may have possibilities of fluid leakage
Emergency off buttons installed around the tool to cut power and stop CMP operation
Lift top ring and stop table
Door interlock that stops unit operation
Moving parts are covered with protection covers
Protection cover is provided for areas which may have potential larger than 24 V
208 VAC, 3 phase, 60 Hz
Full load: 80 A
Machine main breaker rating: 125 A
Ampere rating of largest load: 80 A
Interrupt current: 14,000 A
Size of largest motor: 3.7 kW
2000 vintage.
EBARA Frex 200是专门为半导体工业设计的精密晶圆研磨、研磨、抛光设备。该系统具有先进的控制软件,围绕一个功能强大的多功能机器人单元构建,用于高效、精确的晶圆处理。该机器还包括一个全自动晶圆处理工具,能够处理多达200毫米晶圆。EBARA FREX200具有一个为双磁盘对准而配置的集成研磨站,以确保即使是最具挑战性的晶片在研磨和抛光过程中的完美平整。磨床采用高压冷却剂进行快速、精确的磨削,振动最小化。研磨站还配备了先进的光学量规,用于精确测量,允许精确的结果。该资产的研磨站被设计为给一个完美的光洁度已经抛光晶片表面。这是借助完全机动化和集成的研磨臂和用于控制晶圆接触的高精度旋转执行器完成的。先进的控制软件确保了精确的处理和高精度的表面光洁度。FREX-200的抛光站采用多向垫配置进行高效的晶圆抛光。该站自动调整垫层压力设置,并采用自动气压控制以获得精确的结果。它还包括自动化的化学品分配系统,以取得更好的结果。该模型的高级软件和先进的机器人控制设备使工作流程实现了全自动,使操作员能够远程监控整个过程。此外,它还具有可追溯的配方管理功能,以确保可重复的结果。总体而言,EBARA FREX-200是一种高度先进的精密晶圆研磨、研磨和抛光系统,旨在提供最佳质量的最高产量。其先进的自动化特性保证了可预测的效果,使其成为半导体工业中理想的使用单元。