二手 VEECO / SLOAN DEKTAK 6M #9034870 待售
![VEECO / SLOAN DEKTAK 6M 图为 已使用的 VEECO / SLOAN DEKTAK 6M 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/veeco-sloan_dektak-6m_388998.png)
ID: 9034870
晶圆大小: 6"
优质的: 2006
Surface profiler, up to 6"
Step height repeatability
Low-noise sensor (LIS 3)
High horizontal and vertical resolution
Uses a 12.5 micron diamond stylus
(2) Stylus tips
Reference thickness gauge
Vibration table
Programmable stylus (down to 1 mg)
Z-Height capability (up to 1 mm)
Up to 30,000 data points per scan
Windows software interface
Sample stage diameter: 150 mm (6 in.)
Scan length range: 50 μm to 30 mm
X-Y stage translation: 20 mm x 80 mm
Theta sample positioning: 360°
Vertical data resolution: 1Å max. (@ 65 KÅ range)
Vertical range: 262 μm max. (1 mm optional)
Step height repeatability: 10 Å, 1σ
Data points per scan: 30,000 max.
Sample viewing: 2.6 mm FOV (2.6 mm to 0.5 mm FOV zoom option)
Stylus tip radius: 12.5 μm (std.)
Stylus force range: 1 mg to 15 mg (programmable adjustment)
Stylus sensor: LIS 3 (low-inertia sensor)
Stylus replacement: Quick-Change tool (std.)
System configuration:
Microprocessor: Intel Pentium III (monitor optional)
User interface: Microsoft Windows 98
Interface method: mouse/keyboard
Network card: enables exporting/printing data via local network
Power requirements: 115/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 5 A
Optional features:
Printer: color inkjet printer
Stress measurement: calculates tensile/compressive thin-film stress on wafers
Optional Styli: <1 μm to 25 μm radius tips (high-aspect-ratio tips & super-sharp 50 nm
radius tips also available)
Calibration standards: 200 Å to 10 μm step height standards (NIST traceable)
Vibration isolation table: isolates scan head from external noise
Zoom optics: 5 mm to 1 mm FOV
Ceramic vacuum chuck: for small samples
Extended range: increases vertical range to 1 mm
Step detection software: for calculating multiple step measurements
Monitor: 15-inch SVGA monitor or 15-inch flat panel w/stand
Environmental enclosure: Plexiglas shield protects scan head from dust
Standard analytical software:
Roughness parameters: Ra, Rq, Rp, Rv, Rt, Rz, max. Ra, max. dev., skew
Waviness parameters: Wa, Wq, WP, WV, Wt, max. dev.
Step height parameters: avg. step ht., avg. ht., max. peak, max. valley, max. ht.,
peak to valley, high spot count, peak count
Geometry parameters: area, slope, volume, radius, perimeter, bearing ratio
Programmable cutoff filter: conforms to ANSI B46.1
2006 vintage.
VEECO/SLOAN DEKTAK 6M是一种晶圆测试和计量设备,设计用于评估半导体制造过程中使用的晶圆的厚度和高度,以及用于其他应用。VEECO DEKTAK 6M是一种自动化的非接触式旋转电机测量系统,可扫描每秒1,400mm,可重复性为0.5 μ m。它配备了一个高度敏感的电容传感器,它甚至可以测量晶圆表面最小的特征。该单元利用一个步骤并以恒定的速度重复,使用户能够快速扫描晶片以分析复杂的特征。SLOAN DEKTAK 6M还配备了自动调谐机,确保可靠的数据收集和处理。该工具可用于同时测量晶片的高度和厚度。DEKTAK 6M采用双臂锁定机构设计,确保晶圆在整个测量过程中保持在舞台上,资产可以高速处理几乎任何类型的材料。此外,VEECO/SLOAN DEKTAK 6M最多支持八个用户定义的程序,这些程序可用于自定义测量过程和参数,例如速度、平均和结算时间。VEECO DEKTAK 6M还配备了强大的用户界面,使研究人员能够根据自己的需求定制模型。接口包括自动校准、图形输出以及测量数据的1-D或2-D绘图。它还包括几个数据分析程序,如比较多次扫描的能力,以及使用统计过程控制软件分析数据的能力。总体而言,SLOAN DEKTAK 6M是一种优雅可靠的晶圆测试和计量设备,非常适合需要进行微观测量的任何研究或生产需要。自动化和非接触式系统可实现准确、可重复和可靠的测量,而操作员的参与却很少。