二手 PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS / PHI 5600 XPS #9035452 待售

ID: 9035452
X-ray photoelectron spectrometer
OmniFocus III small area lens
Multi channel detector
10-360 spherical capacitor analyzer
XPS sensitivity:
Magnesium anode specified performance obtained with single Mg anode operating at 400 W (26.7 mA and 15 kV) on a sample of clean silver
Analysis area:
Selected by an externally fixed 1-position aperture and by a computer-controlled analyzer (150 um analysis area)
Count rates less than standard system due to non-standard geometry
Environmental requirements:
Magnetic fields: less than 0.3 uT (3 mG) peak-to-peak, alternating field, less than 1G static field
Relative humidity: less than 70%
Temperature: 20°C ± 5°C
Heat dissipation: 3,000 W under typical operating conditions, 10,000 W additional during system breakout
Vibration: not to exceed 10 um at 0.1-60 Hz
Utility requirements: 200-240 VAC, 1 phase, 50-60 Hz, 50 A (to be hardwired to separate 60 A branch circuit by customer)
Dry nitrogen: 0.279 kg/cm^2 (4 psi) max
Compressed air: 5.6 to 7.0 kg/cm^2 at 0.17 m^3/hr (80 to 100 psig at 0.1 CFM), pressure-regulated for vibration-isolated console and automatic valve control options only
Manuals and video tape instructions.
PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS/PHI 5600 XPS是PHI製造的X射线设备,满足先进X射线使用者的需求。这种多功能、高性能的系统利用先进的X射线成像技术提供用户友好的操作和卓越的性能。PHI 5600 XPS采用现代的人体工程学设计。其光学可以快速调整,以满足不同应用的需要。X射线源利用电子靶创建一个强大的X射线束,可以用来创建图像和光谱。该装置包括一台先进的真空机器,能够为X射线源产生超高真空条件。PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS 5600 XPS还包括线性飞行时间(TOF)检测器。该探测器能够产生高动态范围的数据,可用于图像形成。此外,5600 XPS还具有多功能端站,可用于样品传输、操作和测试。PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS/PHI 5600 XPS包含功能强大的软件,可根据高级X射线用户的需要量身定制。该软件简化了数据的获取和分析,同时为监测工具性能提供了方便用户的工具。它还允许用户配置资产以满足其特定需求。PHI 5600 XPS是功能强大、用途广泛的X射线机型,非常适合高级用户。它具有现代化的设计,并允许用户快速、轻松地获取高质量的数据。其强大的真空设备和TOF探测器确保所产生的数据质量最高。PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS 5600 XPS是任何高级X射线用户的绝佳选择。