二手 RIGAKU R-AXIS IV++ #9184694 待售

ID: 9184694
Image plate detector 2D X-Ray detector system Reader section: Reader device Sample axis (Φ-axis: standard, K-goniometer: option) Camera length adjustment section Optics section: Graphite monochromator optics Mirror-mirror optics Multilayer-film mirror Reader section: White IP size: 300 x 300 mm (2) Blue IP size: 200 x 200 mm Readable pixel size: White IP: 100 μm x 100 μm or 200 μm x 200 μm (2) Blue IP: 50 μm x 50 μm Reading time: 100 seconds when the 100 μm x 100 μm size is used 50 seconds when the 200 μm x 200 μm size is used 180 seconds when the 50 μm x 50 μm size is used Laser light source: Semiconductor laser (maximum rating: 35 mW) Detector: Photomultiplier tube Dynamic range: 1 to 1.04 x 106 ADU Reading sensitivity: (2) counts/X-ray photon Background: Sigma value: 1.0 photon/pixel or smaller Erasure time: 20 seconds Controller section: Data conversion: ADC/20-bit Data transfer: PIO System Control: RS-232C HV: -600 V ϕ-Axis stage section: Goniometer steps: 0.002° Maximum speed: 720°/min Manual rotation: 360° free rotation Height adjustment range: ±15 mm Beam stopper: Automatic escape mechanism incorporated Camera length adjustment range: 70 to 300 mm Camera length indicator: Digital (Minimum digits: 0.1mm) Telescope: Erect image, 40X ( collapsible) Goniometer head used: IUCr 49 mm type (64 rnm type usable) Reader section: Reader main body set Vacuum pump (with a connection tube) Connection cables Reader/Φ axis stage connection cable Reader/controller connection cable Controller section: Controller set Connection cables: Controller/reader connection cable Controller/CPU connection cable Controller/X-ray generator connection cable (2) Enclosure color types: Black and blue.
RIGAKU R-AXIS IV+++是一种最先进的X射线设备,设计用于非结晶和结晶材料的定性和定量分析。该系统可以快速准确地确定各种样品体系结构中材料的元素和相组成。R-AXIS IV+++包括一台装有4 kW功率容量X射线管的X射线发生器,以及专门设计的用于样品定位的2D/3D样品支架。2D样品架能够携带直径达500毫米的样品,而3D样品架允许容纳尺寸大于500公斤的不规则形状样品。该单元还装有高速测角仪头,用于旋转X射线光束中的样品,以精确测量所有X射线衍射(XRD)角。样品支架与600毫米长的分析仪晶莹剔透设计相耦合,可在样品上安装,配置为与X射线光束共面,从而使XRD机器具有最佳性能。RIGAKU R-AXIS IV+++具有高分辨率探测器,17,000元线性位置敏感探测器采用512 x 1024像素探测器阵列,放大镜构造在5轴操纵器上。这允许从10-10000 计数/s之间的级别收集高分辨率2D XRD数据,从而能够快速准确地确定材料的组成和结构。该工具还配备了计算机接口,以便实时获取和显示XRD数据,并将结果与标准频谱库进行比较。R-AXIS IV+++支持对多种材料进行分析,如粉状、颗粒化、油嵌入、原位样品,用于薄膜分析、微XRD分析、结构分析、化学分析等多种应用。资产也非常灵活,允许定制样本准备、测量、控制和数据分析过程。总体而言,RIGAKU R-AXIS IV+++是一种功能强大的高级X射线模型,为用户提供了一系列执行高级X射线和材料分析的功能。它具有高度的通用性、鲁棒性,并在几种不同的应用程序中为用户提供出色的效果。