二手 SEIKO 2110 #9161698 待售

ID: 9161698
X-ray fluorescence element analyzer
Measuring chamber:
Small volume test chamber
Extended-life Rh target X-ray tube
Solid State, LN2 cooled, X-ray detector
0.4” collimator
SEA System analyzer:
Standard PC
Windows XP O/S
Flat screen monitor
Precise bulk alloy analysis:
No standards or single point standard: Up to 30 elements/analysis
Calibration modes:
FP Thin film: Single layer or multi-layer up to 5 layers
Alloy thickness and composition
Advanced solution analysis (low ppm levels)
Measurement functions:
Qualitative mode: Analyze unknown samples
Unknown mode: Fast, qualitative and quantitative measurements
Element / Periodic table: Allows you to quickly identify
Add or subtract
Elements from a spectrum
Calculation Key to determine concentration using new element mix
Routine mode: Up to 4 separate analysis conditions during
Spectrum measurement functions:
Real-time spectrum display during measurements
Qualitative analysis function: Display full width spectrum with auto element ID
Spectrum compare: Display two sample measurements side-by-side
Spectrum overlap: Superimposes one spectrum on top of the other
Spectrum subtract: Visual display of the difference between two samples
Statistical processing functions:
Statistical values displayed: Mean, standard deviation, min, max, range, N-number,
Cp, Cpk
Data grouping function
X chart
X-bar R charts
Frequency distribution curve display.
SEIKO 2110是一种医学成像设备,主要用于计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描。它旨在产生解剖结构的高分辨率、三维图像,是广泛临床应用中最常用的成像方式之一。该系统配备了大型的高端功能阵列,包括高功率的X射线源、高分辨率的数字成像设备、先进的管控装置以及符合人体工程学设计的桅杆和臂机构,以方便扫描更大的零件。2110具有扫描各种物体的能力和沿任何切割平面重建清晰图像的能力。SEIKO 2110基于旋转龙门设计,使X射线源和数字探测器能够围绕正在扫描的物体旋转。随着X射线源和探测器的旋转,3D图像数据被捕获在多个"切片"中。然后,这些切片作为从二维切片重新组装的3D图像显示在计算机监视器上。2110具有卓越的临床性能,具有高分辨率、低噪声传感器,即使在嘈杂的环境中也能捕获详细而准确的图像。成像机还具有先进的X射线和管控制功能。这些控件提供了灵活性,确保机器能够适应不同的临床要求,例如图像采集速度更快的成像部件或儿科扫描的成像剂量更小。SEIKO 2110还提供卓越的患者舒适性和安全性。该机器采用独特的病人龙门倾斜工具(PGLS),可根据病人的身体位置进行调整,从而减少在扫描过程中对病人重新定位的需要。此外,资产的患者集中模型有助于将患者保持在固定位置,并确保患者正确地集中在视野中。总之,2110是一种最先进的医学成像工具,它为临床和研究用户提供卓越的图像分辨率以及极大的灵活性和舒适性。此设备非常适合各种应用程序,从常规扫描到复杂的3D重建。