二手 EVG / EV GROUP 501 #166262 待售


ID: 166262
晶圆大小: 6"
DVD bonder, up to 6" Upgraded AB-1 Hole in center for DVD's (not for wafers) Specifications: Bond chamber: For max. vacuum 5 x 10 -2 mbar Pump time <3min from 1000 to 5 x 10-2 mbar Purge time <10sec from high vacuum to 1 bar Electronic rack pneumatic plug in unit, PC-interface card and slot for vacuum controller With PC software control (requires Windows® 95 or higher) Data storage on hard or floppy disk Automatic control of the contact force Automatic recording of the bond process Storage of the values as ASCII file (can be used in other Windows® applications) Personal computer included Handling tool for unloading of bond tools Software: Easy program commands for all parameters for anodic and pressure bonding. Four free programmable in- and output interfaces (24 V) for control of optional accessories (vacuum pump, automatic valves, etc.) Recipe protection via password; recipes can be read and used without knowing the password Pressure cover: For pressure bonding for 6" substrates Adjustable contact force up to 3500N (790 lbf) Resolution: 3.5 N steps For vacuum level as specified in basic unit Pressure insert: Dedicated pressure insert for 5" discs Compliant layer set Vacuum equipment: Oil-free roughing pump with a pumping capacity of 5m3/h ultimate vacuum 5,0x10E-2mbar abs Imprint tool, 5": For stamps up to Ø 125 mm Bond chuck with mechanical clamping Separation flags Nitrogen or compressed air (dried, cleaned): 6-8 bar Flow rate: 130 Liter / min (275 ft3/h) Cooling water: Pressure: 3 - 5 bar (44 - 73 psi) Flow rate: 1 - 2 Liter/min Connection diameter (outer diam.): 8mm Temperature: 18 °C Power: 120V/208V, 3 phase + ground (4 wire system), +/-5%, 50/60 Hz, direct hookup Requirements: max. oxygen content: < 4mg/kg max. chloride content: < 100mg/kg no aggressive carbon dioxide and ammonia should not be detachable use GLYCOL: 30 - 50 % pH value: 7 – 9 Missing: Dial gauge for bow pin height Lip seal Temperature measurement not working properly Currently stored in a cleanroom 1999 vintage.
EVG/EV GROUP 501是一款全自动模具粘合器,设计用于有源、无源和离散器件的精密模底粘合。该粘合器能够将标准和加压空气回流剖面应用于各种模具粘合应用和工艺。它能够处理5-100 mm的晶圆尺寸,并配备了先进的工艺控制能力,包括模煳逻辑控制的真空系统和压力传感器。这提供了高质量模具粘结所需的精度和重复性。粘合剂配有各种各样的粘合工具和用品。它包括一个标准的模具粘合头,PbSn通量,通量施加器,空气回流喷嘴,和一个二次粘合头。它还包括选择用于监测工艺温度的高精度高温计,以及用于高温热过程的加热床板。此外,粘合器还能够进行高精度的模具定位,通过手动和自动定位进行控制。模具粘合器的最大精度为+/-1 µm,可以通过PC用户界面进行精确编程。粘合器还配备了可定制的自动模具放置系统,以匹配要粘合的模具几何形状。粘合器具有专有的Powermatrix模具粘合器软件,该软件允许使用可编程的粘合参数以及施加的力和位移监视。它还能够实时数据记录和离线过程监控。此数据可自动导出到分析软件以进行进一步分析。该粘合器还设计用于与上游和下游流程集成的集成环境中。除了模具粘合器头之外,它还设计为与标准SMEMA、SEMI、SPEC测试平台集成。它支持与GDS、Vartool和Tcl等行业标准脚本语言向后兼容。最后,该粘合剂是为高效维护和延长产品寿命而设计的.它具有一个自我诊断程序来识别任何潜在问题,以及一个服务提醒程序,该程序可以定制以提醒用户何时需要额外维护。该粘合器还附带一份全面的服务手册,其中包含有关维护和故障排除的详细说明。