二手 EVG / EV GROUP Gemini #9229293 待售


ID: 9229293
晶圆大小: 8"
优质的: 2013
Automated wafer bonding system, 8" Substrate handling module: Between alignment stage and load cassette Loading / Unloading: 4-Axis industrial robot With external optical prealigner Wafer handling: End effector for robot unit With vacuum from bottom side Bond chuck handling module: Between alignment station and bond chamber Automated operation of up to (4) bond modules Unclamp station with handshake to linear transfer station Cassette station: Present sensor Empty sensor Graphical user interface for manual and fully automated operation Independent sequence Monitoring Data storage Wafer ID reader: SEMI T1 (Barcode) SEMI M12, SEMI M13 (Both alphanumeric) SEMI T7 (Data matrix code) High resolution alignment stage with DC servomotors in X, Y and Θ Top and bottom wafer chuck with position measurement system Fully motorized split field microscope for double side viewing High resolution digital CCD cameras Integrated magnification unit: 1x - 3x Alignment with split field microscope Objective: 5x Loading chuck, 4"-6" Bond module: Universal bond chamber with top and bottom side heaters Flag pulling mechanism Up to 550°C and 3.5 kN Atmospheric capabilities down to 1 x 10^-3 mbar (7.5 x 10^-4 Torr) Pressure: 3 bar abs. Connections for evacuation, purge and vent Independent temperature controllers for top and bottom side of each chamber Electronic pressure regulator for controlled contact force Pneumatic wafer bow pin: For most accurate alignment of separated wafers Spring-loaded pin in bond chamber Rapid cooling for top and bottom side heater: For symmetric top / Bottom side cooling at identical Forced water cooling Silent operation Programmable cooling rate Increased piston force: Up to 10 kN (2250 lbf) Resolution: 3 N steps Pressure disk, 4"-6" Universal bond chuck, 4"-6" For anodic, thermo compresion and eutetic bonding process Bond chuck with mechanical wafer direct clamping Bond chuck out of titanium Vacuum equipment with bypass system: Pump time: < 2min from 1000 to 1 x 10^-3 mbar Gas backfill time: < 10sec from high vacuum to 1 bar Purge connections for process gas Pump down time: From ambient to 2 mbar abs. pressure < 60s Vacuum controller: 1 - 1000 mbar Resolution: 1 mbar Accuracy +/-0, 5% / +/-3 mbar With piezo gauge and control valve Minimum controllable pressure: 1mbar abs Hardware: SEMI-E4: Semi Equipment Communication Standard (SECS-1) Message transfer: Hardware interface RS232 SEMI E37: High speed Secs Message Service (HSMS) Generic services Hardware interface: Ethernet TCP/IP Tooling with system: Bond chucks with graphite: 9 x 6” Graphite pressure disks: 4 x 6” Objective: Bottom and top alignment With standard 5x objectives with red LED Second N2 line is installed in each module Controlled with needle and bypass valves Includes: Chiller (4) Vacuum pumps (4) Turbo pumps are installed in chambers Operating system: MS-Windows 2013 vintage.
EVG/EV GROUP Gemini Bonder是一款生产就绪、高通量、自动化的晶圆粘合工具,具有精确、可重复的粘合效果。该工具为粘合剂粘合薄片提供了坚固的平台,为亚毫米公差提供了晶圆级封装。EVG Gemini Bonder旨在为晶圆键合过程带来最大的吞吐量、精度和可重复性。它的高级功能包括控制温度、压力和时间。这样可以确保坚固耐用和可靠的粘结。此外,EV GROUP Gemini Bonder还具有直观的用户界面、自动化和可重复的过程,并具有可调参数以确保最高产量。Gemini Bonder占地面积小,真空头低,是小型和大型生产过程的理想解决方桉。该系统包括一个自动加载/卸载模块,用于晶片直径不超过8英寸。负载/卸载模块包括精密喷嘴,可精确、重复地输送粘结流体。它还有一个四头键合站,最多可以容纳四个不同的键合过程。该站与紫外线粘合剂和凝胶系统完全兼容。它还包括自动对准,以及可编程压力和温度坡道。EVG/EV GROUP Gemini Bonder还提供全面的流程控制和实时反馈,能够保存和加载以前运行的流程以实现可重复性。它利用联机菜单来选择、监视和控制所有的流程功能。EVG Gemini Bonder还具有易于使用的GUI(图形用户界面),允许用户实时监控、调整和调整流程参数。EV GROUP Gemini Bonder兼容各种包装和基材材料,配置性强,参数可调范围广。容易与其他系统整合,且噪音低,使其适合各种洁净室环境。此外,系统还与一系列可选的硬件模块兼容,这些模块允许您使用更多的下游应用程序。例子包括激光切割、光刻、基于视觉的门控等等。这使得Gemini Bonder成为许多晶圆粘合应用的诱人选择。