二手 TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON Clean Track Mark 8 #9158015 待售

ID: 9158015
晶圆大小: 8"
优质的: 1997
(2) Coater / (3) Developer system, 8" Dual block Silicon substrate wafer Wafer flow: Right to left CSB Unit at right Interface station unit at left (2) Process blocks: Cassette station block (CSB): FC-9801F Controller Stage / Indexer: Non SMIF / Open uni-cassette Cassette station (CS) Cassette station arm (CSA) PSB / Process station block (Spin units): 2-1 Standard photo resist coat unit: (3) Photo resist dispense nozzles (3) IWAKI Bellows pumps Solvent pre-wet reduced resist coat (RRC) nozzle Side rinse nozzle (Programmable side rinse EBR) Dual back rinse nozzles Photo resist temperature control Motor flange temperature control Photo resist drain type: Direct gravity drain type (6) Photo resist bottles in external chemical supply systems Photo resist auto exchange Auto dummy dispense system 2-2 Bottom layer coat (BCT) unit: (3) Bottom layer coat (BCT) dispense nozzles (3) IWAKI Bellows photo resist pumps Solvent pre-wet reduced resist coat (RRC) nozzle Side rinse nozzle (Programmable side rinse EBR) Dual back rinse nozzle Photo resist temperature control Motor flange temperature control Photo resist drain type: Direct gravity drain type Photo resist bottle: (6) External photo resist supply system Photo resist auto exchange Auto dummy dispense system Process block robotics arm (PRA) Adhesion unit (AD) (5) Hot plate oven units (2) Dehydration hot plate (DHP) oven units (2) Cool plate units Process station block (Spin units): 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 Develop units: (4) Stream nozzles at (4) Stream nozzle blocks Rinse nozzles: (2) Stream type Spray type Dual back rinse nozzles Develop temperature control Motor flange temperature control Drain type: Direct gravity drain type Auto damper Auto dummy dispense system Process block robotics (PRA) Arm Adhesion unit (3) Hot plate oven units Dehydration hot plate (DHP) oven unit (3) Air-purge hot plate (AHP) oven units (3) Cool plate units Extension unit Wafer edge exposure (WEE) unit Interface station block (IFB): Interface arm (IFA) Interface for ASML PAS Series Stepper (2) Buffers Pick-up system Interface cool Extension stage Wafer stage Temperature and humidity controller: TEAM KOREA TK-TH8T4 2-Cup control capacity for 2 Coat units External chemical supply system: Solvent supply system: Solvent chemical type CSS Bulk-fill to auto supply system With (2) Buffer tanks: Auto switch-off / Exchange Develop supply system: Develop solution chemical type CSS Bulk-fill to auto supply system With (2) Buffer tanks: Auto switch-off / Exchange Photo resist supply system for 2-1 Coat and 2-2 BCT 6-Bottles of manual supply type Auto exchange system HMDS Supply system: HMDS Chemical type CSS Bulk-fill to auto supply system with bubbling jar HMDS Supply system Themo controller: External chemical supply system: (2) TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON SMC Multi controller MAX 16 Channel capacity: 12-Channels for (2) Process SMC Multi thermo controllers: (6) SMC Circulators: Chilling channels 2-1 COT Unit 2-2 BCT Unit Stream nozzle block: Block 1 and 3: 3-2, 3-3 DEV Block 2 and 4: 3-4 DEV (5) Motor flanges (6) SMC Thermo controllers: Chilling channels 2-9 COL 2-10 COL 3-7 COL 3-11 COL 3-15 COL 4-4 I/F COL (4) Robots: CS Arm (2) Main arm robots Interface arm Power transformer AC cabinet: 208 VAC, 3-Phase, 50/60 Hz 1997 vintage.
TEL(TOKYO ELECTRON)TEL/TOKYO ELECTRON CLEan Track Mark 8是一款用于製造电路板的光敏设备。该系统能够进行各种光刻过程,包括旋转涂层、软烘烤、面膜对准、喷涂和硬烘烤。干净的轨道可以实现可重复和准确的结果,从而帮助创造高产率。TEL Clean Track Mark 8旨在帮助减少清洁空间停机时间并提高工作效率。它具有耐用、可靠的防静电底盘和"no-ccd"对齐单元,可将对齐时间缩短一半。此外,该机还配备了触摸面板液晶显示屏,这使得导航工具的功能更加容易。该资产包括两种独特和先进的烘烤技术,以提高清洁度和工艺精度。首先是分裂烘烤,将烘烤过程分成两部分,降低污染风险,优化温度稳定性。二是溷合烘烤,可以完全烘烤晶圆,而不会将基材分离成任务。TOKYO ELECTRON Clean Track Mark 8採用特别设计的喷嘴和清洁剂,能够快速清除抗拒残留物,导致更清洁的晶片,同时大幅减少化学废弃物的产生。特殊的涂层功能可将化学用量和清洁时间减少70%之多,陶瓷头喷嘴有助于减少总颗粒数量,而高精度的无接触跟踪有助于提高对准精度。此外,该模型是可改造的,它允许与各种光刻胶系统兼容。总体而言,Clean Track Mark 8使用先进技术,使用户能够获得可重复和一流的结果,同时最大限度地减少化学品、能源和停机时间的使用。它被设计成一种高效的光敏设备,帮助用户在保持成本效益的生产的同时达到最大产量。