二手 PERKIN ELMER 4400 #9201790 待售

ID: 9201790
晶圆大小: 6"
Sputtering system, 6"
Wafer loading: Manual
With load lock
Cathodes: Circle shape, 8″ & 4 max
Sputter methods: RF / DC
Gas lines: 1~3 MFC
Gas lines with MFC
Lamp tower alarm with buzzer:
Mechanical pump / Dry pump for process chamber and load lock
Independent mechanical pump / Dry pump for process chamber
Chiller for cooling plates and table
Turbo pump for load lock
Load lock lamp heating function: Up to 200°C
Chamber lamp heating function: Up to 300°C
Plasma etch function
Bias function
Co sputter function
Reactive sputter function
Main frame
28" Diameter SST chamber top plate with ports and cathodes:
Configuration 4400 4410 / 4450
Cathode shape Circle Delta
Cathode size 8" Delta
Cathode quantity 1 to 4 1 to 3
Sputter power supply:
4400 4410 / 4450
DC Power 5 kW 5 kW / 10 kW
RF Power 1kW / 2kW 2 kW / 3 kW
Pulse DC Power 5 kW 5 kW / 10 kW
Process chamber:
8" Diameter x 12" High stainless steel cylinder with 6"
CF Flange view port and load lock port
28" Diameter stainless steel base plate
11/2" Air operated roughing isolation valve
Air operated gas inlet valve
Air operated vent valve
11/2" Blanked-off leak check port
Removable deposition shields
23" Diameter, 3-position water cooled annular substrate
Table with variable speed motorized table drive
Full circle shutter and vane shutter
Chain drive pallet carrier transport
Heavy duty electric hoist
Load lock:
30" x 28" x 8" Stainless steel load lock chamber
Aluminum cover
Chain drive pallet carrier transport
2" Air operated roughing isolation valve
Air operated vent valve
23" Diameter molybdenum annular substrate pallet
Elevator for pallet up and down function
Vacuum systems for process chamber:
(2) Stage cryo pumps
With 1000 l/s pumping speed for air
Water cooled compressor and lines
Automatic regeneration controller
Plumbing kit, 71/2"
Aluminum air operated gate valve: 6" ASA
Air operated venetian blind throttling valve
Mechanical pump or dry pump for process: 36.7 Cfm
Chamber and load lock
Replaced obsolete controls:
Auto pump down controller
Load lock controller
Digital clock timer
Table raise / Lower control
Throttle valve control system
Pressure control system
Sputter head controls
Gas line with MFC
Ar, 200 SCCM, customized
Power box: AC 380 V / 208 V / 3 Phase.
PERKIN ELMER 4400是一种最先进的溅射设备,已成为薄膜真空沉积的通用通用工具。这个溅射工具是一个多源系统,允许溅射任何金属或介电材料在其三室设计与其定制的端部安装晶片支架。4400可实现精密沉积厚度降至1埃,薄膜均匀性降至1纳米。通过获得专利的铜目标保护方法实现了这种精确测量,该方法还确保了工艺的可重复性以及较长的周期生产时间。采用TRIO-MIM^TM密封磁控管技术,保证薄膜材料沉积过程中腔室不受污染。TRIO-MIM^TM密封磁控管技术加热溅射目标,从而打开了改变工艺参数的额外潜力。这允许高密度、高导电性薄膜以及更复杂的有机材料在沉积过程中需要更高的底物温度的性能。PERKIN ELMER 4400是一种可靠且易于操作的设备。这种溅射设备在晶片支架的尺寸方面提供了灵活性,并且能够通过实时软件控制来调整溅射参数,从而提高工艺精度。使用内置的自动校准功能可以方便地进行机器校准。对于生产环境中的UL认证操作,它也是一个足够强大的工具。除了其一般的沉积应用外,在创建高级设备组件时还经常使用4400。它对基板进行机械抛光,以确保表面光滑,而溅射过程在设备上产生微观的微观特征。PERKIN ELMER 4400是一种可靠、高效的溅射资产,可提供局部和全室溅射溅射,并提供可选的原位沉积和退火。该模型的特点允许生产质量最高的薄膜,同时控制生产成本。